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Director room: 06-3901200

Deputy Director Room: 06-3901203

Special committees: 06-3901255

Corporate Budget Section: Phone 06-3901212 Fax 06-2982917

Accounting Department: Phone 06-3901222 Fax 06-2982904

Accounts Department: Phone 06-3901233 Fax 06-2982922

Statistics Department: Phone 06-3901513 Fax 06-2982951

Fund Budget Section: Phone 06-3901446 Fax 06-2995473

Serving the public contact the Office of Business
Statistics such cases - please contact the Statistics Section

Tel: 06-3901513
E-Mail: icegreen@mail.tainan.gov.tw

Accounting of such cases - please contact the accounting department

Tel: 06-3901505
E-Mail: ayaya001@mail.tainan.gov.tw